Friday, July 30, 2010

That was a hard work, but here she is
Test drived today on the Tarmac on Tempelhof

It is a 55x55 Bottecchia steel frame from 1968
It has Campagnolo/Mavic wheels, a suede original SelleItalia seatpost, the front crown is presumably a Campagnolo Valentino
It has sparkling new almost invisble Tektro brake levers and a new Pista chain, a new tire, and a new white cabling

Enrichetta is meine zweites Single-speed, ein 1968 55x55 leicht Stahlramen. Sie habt Camapgnolo raden und einen Camapgnolo Valentino (ich glaube) Kattenblat, neue Tektro Bremsgriffen, und einen Pista ketten.
Das Hinterrad ist "re-dished" fur das besser Kettenlinie

And here is the Airport Test Drive !!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

the second rouevolution

So, here we start with the second one, with her blue old age, with the worlchampionships won by bottecchia tatooed on her skin, from which, as for a tree, we can discover her age: 43.
I owe her a second trendy youth in the streets of Berlin

refurbished, redished, recherished

Transformation has now begun: a new PISTA kattenblat (not the one up here!), a perfect re-dishing, cleaning and cleaning
Prossimo passo: il sistema freni, un'oliata generale, et la voilĂ